Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Offers Postcard Printing

What is custom postcard printing and how it can help improve your direct mail program? Here's a quick review of the postal services custom printing, how they work, what they can do for you, etc.

Printing greeting cards

As you can imagine the postcard printing simply refers to the act of printing greeting cards (as opposed to postal stock / standard that are not unique to the print client).

Say you want to create your own postcard showing one of their products or services. You want to use their own product photos, create your own copy of the card, and put it all in a unique design. This is a custom postcard design because there is obviously some "stock design library" anywhere.

When it that postcard prints, therefore, be conducted through a custom print postal service. So as you can see, custom postcard printing is not very different from the overall impression - you just made with custom postcards face value.

Now imagine that instead of creating your own unique postcard, simply choose a design of a postcard company online printing of "design library." Then apply your message to the design of actions and have the postcard printing and mailing. While this type of "template" approach is common in the postal industry, not a custom postcard printing process.

Who offers postcard printing

Not all printers offer customized postcard printing. While most will allow you to upload your own custom design for print, not everyone is going to offer any kind of online customization. Each postcard company is different, so be sure to ask about where the research capabilities of these companies.

Those that offer postcard printing will usually through one of several means. Whether you can design your own card and upload it, or have a design team of the house that can help you create your personalized card for printing and mailing. Just get all the facts - and prices - before committing to any one printing company.


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